Tuesday, October 8, 2024

OpEd: Florida Abortion Amendment 4 Not What it Seems

   Op Ed: "Florida Abortion Amendment 4 Not What it Seems"

By Pastor Doug Stauffer
Faith Independent Baptist Church
Journalist for Bay Life Newspaper
October 2024

The most controversial issue on the November ballot is Amendment 4, titled the “Amendment to Limit Government Interference with Abortion.” Abortion is, unfortunately, divisive, but this amendment is deceptive. This change to the state’s Constitution would forever alter Florida. While Amendment 4 is being marketed as a means to "restore reproductive rights," in reality, it allows unlimited abortion, strips away parental consent laws, and removes doctors from the equation.

The Deceptive Language of Amendment 4

Amendment 4 does not define one term used in the amendment. All constitutional amendments are carefully crafted with specific terms and detailed language, leaving less room for misinterpretation. Amendment 4, however, has no such clarity. Words like "viability," "health," and "healthcare provider" are undefined. This opens the door to extreme interpretations that will be exploited by lawyers, making abortion in Florida a legal quagmire.

For instance, the term "viability" typically refers to the point at which a fetus can survive outside the womb, around 22-24 weeks. However, Amendment 4 leaves this term up for interpretation. This ambiguity creates one of the many dangerous loopholes.

The phrase “patient’s health” is equally concerning, which could be defined as physical, mental, emotional, and even financial well-being. By using vague and undefined language, Amendment 4 will allow abortion at any stage during the nine months if the “health” of the mother is deemed at risk. That “risk” could include emotional stress or financial strain. The life of the mother is already covered.

Parental Consent Stripped Away

Amendment 4 attacks the family because it obscures its impact on parental consent laws. While its proponents argue that “parental notification” remains intact, the reality is that this amendment, if passed, would repeal Florida’s parental consent laws. Think about it! Every other medical procedure performed on a minor requires parental consent—why should abortion be the ONLY exception?

Who’s Behind the Amendment?

Florida voters should ask themselves: Who stands to benefit from this radical amendment? Groups like Planned Parenthood, the ACLU, and the Open Society Fund, led by George Soros, have poured millions of dollars into this initiative. These are not grassroots organizations, but well-funded, out-of-state interests determined to make an example of Florida by creating an abortion destination state.

In 2022, Michigan passed a similar state constitutional amendment. What has followed are taxpayer-funded abortions and the removal of all restrictions, including late-term abortions. If Amendment 4 passes, Florida will follow the same path, forcing taxpayers to pay the bill and allowing abortion throughout all nine months of pregnancy. Even most proponents of abortion do not believe in third-trimester abortions.  

Why This Amendment is Too Extreme for Florida

Amendment 4, as an amendment to the Constitution, will result in an almost irreversible outcome. Once enshrined in the state Constitution, our elected representatives will be powerless to fix any problems. If passed, this amendment would turn Florida into a haven for limitless abortions, drawing individuals from states with more common-sense abortion guidelines. The lack of definitions and legal loopholes would enrich attorneys, sparking years of costly litigation. The taxpayers will be adversely affected and have no hope of finding a solution.

A Call for Informed Voting

The supporters of Amendment 4 want to deceive voters into thinking that the amendment's real outcomes are unknown. Floridians deserve to be fully informed, not misled by deceptive language and hidden agendas. If parents no longer must give permission for a juvenile to have an abortion, be honest!

During all the heated rhetoric surrounding Amendment 4, one crucial element is often overlooked: love and understanding for the women who have experienced abortion. While some may be satisfied with their decision, others carry a lifetime of regret, and every time this issue ignites another firestorm, those emotions are stirred anew. As we engage in this important debate, let us not forget that compassion must remain at the heart of our conversations. Regardless of our views, every person, including those who have walked this difficult path, deserves our love, respect, and empathy.


Hit "Home" to watch Amendment 4 video

Monday, October 7, 2024

Op Ed: Amendment 4 Not What it Seems

  Op Ed: "Florida Abortion Amendment 4 Not What it Seems"

By Pastor Doug Stauffer
Faith Independent Baptist Church
Journalist for Bay Life Newspaper
October 2024

The most controversial issue on the November ballot is Amendment 4, titled the “Amendment to Limit Government Interference with Abortion.” Abortion is, unfortunately, divisive, but this amendment is deceptive. This change to the state’s Constitution would forever alter Florida. While Amendment 4 is being marketed as a means to "restore reproductive rights," in reality, it allows unlimited abortion, strips away parental consent laws, and removes doctors from the equation.

The Deceptive Language of Amendment 4

Amendment 4 does not define one term used in the amendment. All constitutional amendments are carefully crafted with specific terms and detailed language, leaving less room for misinterpretation. Amendment 4, however, has no such clarity. Words like "viability," "health," and "healthcare provider" are undefined. This opens the door to extreme interpretations that will be exploited by lawyers, making abortion in Florida a legal quagmire.

For instance, the term "viability" typically refers to the point at which a fetus can survive outside the womb, around 22-24 weeks. However, Amendment 4 leaves this term up for interpretation. This ambiguity creates one of the many dangerous loopholes.

The phrase “patient’s health” is equally concerning, which could be defined as physical, mental, emotional, and even financial well-being. By using vague and undefined language, Amendment 4 will allow abortion at any stage during the nine months if the “health” of the mother is deemed at risk. That “risk” could include emotional stress or financial strain. The life of the mother is already covered.

Parental Consent Stripped Away

Amendment 4 attacks the family because it obscures its impact on parental consent laws. While its proponents argue that “parental notification” remains intact, the reality is that this amendment, if passed, would repeal Florida’s parental consent laws. Think about it! Every other medical procedure performed on a minor requires parental consent—why should abortion be the ONLY exception?

Who’s Behind the Amendment?

Florida voters should ask themselves: Who stands to benefit from this radical amendment? Groups like Planned Parenthood, the ACLU, and the Open Society Fund, led by George Soros, have poured millions of dollars into this initiative. These are not grassroots organizations, but well-funded, out-of-state interests determined to make an example of Florida by creating an abortion destination state.

In 2022, Michigan passed a similar state constitutional amendment. What has followed are taxpayer-funded abortions and the removal of all restrictions, including late-term abortions. If Amendment 4 passes, Florida will follow the same path, forcing taxpayers to pay the bill and allowing abortion throughout all nine months of pregnancy. Even most proponents of abortion do not believe in third-trimester abortions.  

Why This Amendment is Too Extreme for Florida

Amendment 4, as an amendment to the Constitution, will result in an almost irreversible outcome. Once enshrined in the state Constitution, our elected representatives will be powerless to fix any problems. If passed, this amendment would turn Florida into a haven for limitless abortions, drawing individuals from states with more common-sense abortion guidelines. The lack of definitions and legal loopholes would enrich attorneys, sparking years of costly litigation. The taxpayers will be adversely affected and have no hope of finding a solution.

A Call for Informed Voting

The supporters of Amendment 4 want to deceive voters into thinking that the amendment's real outcomes are unknown. Floridians deserve to be fully informed, not misled by deceptive language and hidden agendas. If parents no longer must give permission for a juvenile to have an abortion, be honest!

During all the heated rhetoric surrounding Amendment 4, one crucial element is often overlooked: love and understanding for the women who have experienced abortion. While some may be satisfied with their decision, others carry a lifetime of regret, and every time this issue ignites another firestorm, those emotions are stirred anew. As we engage in this important debate, let us not forget that compassion must remain at the heart of our conversations. Regardless of our views, every person, including those who have walked this difficult path, deserves our love, respect, and empathy.


Hit "Home" to watch Amendment 4 video

Sunday, July 14, 2024

The Media's Attempted Assassination of President Trump

The Media's Attempted Assassination of President Trump

The corporate media has spent ten years singling out one man for an unprecedented hate campaign. That hate campaign on Saturday, June 13th, almost paid off.
Here are a few of the falsehoods propagated about Donald Trump:
1. They LIED about him colluding with Russia to steal a presidential election.
2. They LIED about him being a unique threat to democracy.
3. They LIED about him being a rapist.
4. They LIED about him, describing Nazis as “very fine people.”
5. They LIED about him being a racist.
6. They LIED about him trashing WWII troops.
7. They LIED about him launching an insurrection.
8. They LIED about him wanting to inject bleach into the sick.
9. They LIED about him putting kids in cages.
10. They LIED about him assaulting Secret Service agents.
11. They LIED about him being the second coming of Adolf Hitler.
How does Biden calm down the media in one day? The only way is if you have a plan to defeat your opponent. If President Trump had not turned his head at the last second, causing the shooter to pull the trigger in haste, it would not have been an assassination ATTEMPT.

 Trump is an imperfect man, but the Trump derangement syndrome must be derailed. 

Tuesday, July 2, 2024

The Deficit: A Ticking Time Bomb for America by Doug Stauffer, PhD, CPA (retired)

 The Deficit: A Ticking Time Bomb for America

(Pictured above is a ONE MILLION MARK bill from Germany that I received upon my dad's death). 

The deficit has potentially catastrophic effects on our nation. We can draw chilling parallels between our current financial trajectory and historical examples of economic collapse, such as Germany in the 1920s. The hyperinflation that plagued Germany before Hitler's rise to power serves as a stark warning of what unchecked fiscal irresponsibility can lead to. Politicians do not even talk about the national deficit except to point to the other party's spending. Both are guilty!

The Historical Lessons of Germany

In the aftermath of World War I, Germany faced immense economic strain. The Treaty of Versailles imposed heavy reparations, and to pay these debts, the Weimar Republic resorted to printing more money. Initially, the exchange rate was relatively stable, with nine marks equaling $1.00US. However, hyperinflation set in as the government continued to print money without backing it with real economic value. By 1923, the exchange rate had skyrocketed to 4.2 million marks to $1.00. The once-stable economy was plunged into chaos, leading to widespread poverty, social unrest, and the eventual rise of totalitarianism. Add open borders to the equation, and you will see the future of the United States without drastic and unpopular actions.

America’s Debt Crisis: A Modern-Day Warning

Fast forward to today, and we see the United States grappling with a similar yet distinct problem: a staggering national debt. It has been estimated that governments worldwide owe a combined $91 trillion, a figure nearly equivalent to the global economy's total value. This level of debt is unsustainable and poses a significant threat to living standards, even in wealthy nations like the U.S.

The Consequences of Inaction

If the United States fails to address its growing deficit, the consequences could be dire:

  • Inflation: Just as in Weimar Germany, printing more money to cover debt can lead to hyperinflation, eroding the value of savings and incomes.
  • Economic Instability: A high national debt can lead to decreased investor confidence, higher interest rates, and reduced economic growth.
  • Social Unrest: Economic hardship often leads to social and political unrest, as historical examples show.

The Need for Fiscal Discipline

Addressing the deficit requires a commitment to fiscal discipline. This means making hard choices about spending cuts and tax increases, which stifle the economy. It also necessitates honest communication from our leaders about our finances and the sacrifices needed to stabilize them. Unfortunately, political leaders often shy away from these difficult conversations, especially during election years.


The United States stands at a critical juncture. Without decisive action to address our national debt, we risk following in the footsteps of Germany in the 1920s, facing economic collapse and the accompanying social turmoil. We must learn from history and take proactive measures to secure our financial future. The time for responsible fiscal policy is now before it’s too late, but it may already be too late? 


Sunday, June 9, 2024

Pastor's Ponderings: "Studying the Book of Revelation"

  Pastor's Ponderings: "Studying the Book of Revelation"

By Pastor Doug Stauffer
Faith Independent Baptist Church
Journalist for Bay Life Newspaper
March 2023--Article 44 (2023-03-044)

I have taught Revelation several times and written several books on the subject. Starting in March, we will study the Book of Revelation verse-by-verse at 7 PM every Wednesday. Everyone is welcome to attend or watch online.

High-Level Overview of Revelation                                                           

Revelation 1:19 Write the things which thou hast seen, and the things which are, and the things which shall be hereafter;    

Verse 19 offers an overview of the book of Revelation from John’s first-century perspective. It is a high-level—past, present, and future—viewpoint.              

1.         PAST: The things which thou HAST SEEN

2.         PRESENT: The things WHICH ARE 

3.         FUTURE: The things which SHALL BE HEREAFTER 

The simplified outline: Verse 19 first points to the things which “thou (John) hast seen,” with verse 20 pointing to what John already SAW. Revelation chapters 2 and 3 chronicle what John SAW.

Revelation 1:20 The mystery of the seven stars which thou sawest in my right hand, and the seven golden candlesticks. The seven stars are the angels of the seven churches: and the seven candlesticks which thou sawest are the seven churches.

I.       THE PAST: John writes in verse 20 that he already SAW the seven stars and seven golden candlesticks. He records what he saw in chapters 2 and 3, making these chapters already PAST. Verse 20 defines the CANDLESTICKS as the seven churches. It designates the seven STARS. These stars are the seven angels of each of those seven churches. The first verse of each church epistle addresses the angel of each of the seven churches.

·            Unto the angel of the church of Ephesus” (Revelation 2:1-2:7)

·            “And unto the angel of the church in Smyrna” (Revelation 2:8-2:11)

·            “And to the angel of the church in Pergamos” (Revelation 2:12-2:17)

·            “And unto the angel of the church in Thyatira” (Revelation 2:18-2:28)

·            “And unto the angel of the church in Sardis” (Revelation 3:1-3:6)

·            “And to the angel of the church in Philadelphia” (Revelation 3:7-3:13)

·            “And unto the angel of the church of the Laodiceans” (Revelation 3:14-3:22)

The two words following chapter 3 in Revelation 4:1 reveal the passage of time: “After this.” After what John SAW (the churches of chapters 2 and 3, the last one mentioned in Revelation 3:22), John is now revealed as being in the PRESENT as he is transported to Heaven (Revelation 4:1). It is essential not to miss this point: John moved from speaking of the PAST to writing concerning the PRESENT!

II.    The PRESENT: the book of Revelation reveals the PRESENT as John appears in heaven. The timing indicates he has been transported thousands of years into the future. A door in heaven opens. God transports (or raptures) John from the earth. John shows up in the present, where God reveals the “hereafter”—the future.

Revelation 4:1 After this I looked, and, behold, a door was opened in heaven: and the first voice which I heard was as it were of a trumpet talking with me; which said, Come up hither, and I will shew thee things which must be hereafter.

III. The FUTURE: Notice the keyword at the end of Revelation 4:1“hereafter.” This word links the event to the outline delineated in Revelation 1:19—the “hereafter” ending that verse. One might view HEREAFTER as AFTER HERE since John PICTURES the Rapture of the New Testament Church AFTER revealing the entire 2,000-year Church Age in chapters 2 and 3.

The “hereafter” divides further into three sections: These divisions run from:

·            2nd Viewpoint—God transports John TO heaven (from Revelation 4:2 to Revelation 17:2)

Revelation 4:2 And immediately I was in the spirit: and, behold, a throne was set in heaven, and one sat on the throne.

>>From heaven, John views the 21 judgments on earth during Daniel’s Seventieth Week.

·            3rd Viewpoint—God transports John TO the wilderness (from Revelation 17:3 to Revelation 21:9)

Revelation 17:3 So he carried me away in the spirit into the wilderness: and I saw a woman sit upon a scarlet coloured beast, full of names of blasphemy, having seven heads and ten horns.

>>From the wilderness, John views God’s destruction of the world powers and the end of all that offends God.

·            4th Viewpoint—God transports John TO a great and high mountain (from Revelation 21:10 to Revelation 22:21)

Revelation 21:10 And he carried me away in the spirit to a great and high mountain, and shewed me that great city, the holy Jerusalem, descending out of heaven from God,

>>From the mountain, John views Eternity.

·            Note: The 1st Viewpoint was skipped but it was from Patmos (Revelation 1:9), where John views the Church Age. He describes what these seven churches are doing right and wrong and God’s expectations of each. The Spirit speaking to the churches happens before God transports John to the other three locations.


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Let’s study to show ourselves approved unto God!




Friday, May 31, 2024

Between Land and Sea: A Nonfiction Tom Clancy-type Book

  "Between Land and Sea: A Nonfiction Tom Clancy-type Book"

By Pastor Doug Stauffer
Faith Independent Baptist Church
Journalist for Bay Life Newspaper
March 2023--Article 46 (2023-0-046)

Rear Admiral (RADM) Dur’s
rare combination of intellect, military expertise, and true patriotism helped shape this country during the Cold War and post-Cold War eras.  He has a deep knowledge of naval operations at sea and this nation’s national security affairs. His career as a surface warfare officer specializing in national policy helped him funnel his Cold War experiences into the geo-political environment. Imagine rising from the rank of ensign to flag officer to serve at the highest levels in the Navy and the U.S. government’s executive branch—that’s Phil Dur! 

His book, “Between Land and Sea,” offers the reader a front-row seat to thirty years of American and world military and diplomatic history. This fact-based analysis and reflection centers around the national security bureaucracy and operating at sea throughout the Cold War.

Read about challenges commanding ships and a Carrier Battle Group and strategy and policy assignments, including leading the Navy’s strategy division and serving as Director of Political-Military Affairs on the NSC staff, advising and briefing President Ronald Reagan on critical events in the Middle East. Discover opportunities overseas, such as the admiral’s assignment as a U.S. Defense attaché in Paris, working with the highest levels of the French national security establishment as the Cold War ended and as War erupted in the Persian Gulf.

Philip Dur witnessed history and had a hand in shaping its course! From growing up in post-WW2 Europe and Japan, through historical events including the behind-the-scenes views of the attack on USS Liberty, the gun line off Vietnam, the Reagan White House, and more, Phil Dur was on the scene, not as an observer, but as an engaged and aggressive participant and contributor.

RADM Dur participated in the last great act of the Cold War:  a serious and intentional bumping of his command ship, the USS Yorktown, by the Russian Navy during maneuvers in the Black Sea. This confrontation was one of those cat-and-mouse events that could have started World War III.

As a flag officer, he was the chief architect of the Navy’s strategy. RADM Dur’s story provides a concise description of the Navy’s role in the Cold War from the 1960s to its end with the fall of the Soviet Union. His seat at the table during most of the critical events of that period offers an insightful perspective of policy formation and execution.

This book is highly relevant and essential reading today for anyone seeking to understand the current European security environment, including the present Russian-Ukranian conflict. As someone completely unfamiliar with the workings of the Navy, reading about his command of two great warships—a destroyer and a cruiser—was mind-boggling and fascinating. His book “Between Land and Sea” is a must-read for those interested in a better understanding of military, political, and national security issues. This instructive book is fast-moving, a real page-turner, very well-written, and hard to put down.

Vice Admiral Doug Crowder, USN (Ret), Former Commander, U.S. SEVENTH Fleet, reviewed the book as follows: “If you have loved Tom Clancy’s novels of Cold War intrigue, military operations, grand strategy, and political policy-making, then you will enjoy Admiral Philip Dur’s new book, BETWEEN LAND & SEA.

Read the Newspaper (page 11)

Former Press Secretary Opens NWFSC Speaker Series

  "Former Press Secretary Opens NWFSC Speaker Series"

By Pastor Doug Stauffer
Faith Independent Baptist Church
Journalist for Bay Life Newspaper
March 2023--Article 45 (2023-03-045)

Kayleigh McEnany opened this year’s President's Speaker Series at Mattie Kelly Arts Center. While introducing Kayleigh, President Devin Stephenson NWFSC stated, "Northwest Florida State College is certainly honored to do our part in improving the quality of place in our community by enhancing our regional cultural activities." Last year's speakers were former federal prosecutor and Congressman, Trey Gowdy, and financial journalist Charles Payne with Fox Business Network. February's speaker was Dr. Ben Carson. 

I was fortunate to spend some one-on-one time with Kayleigh McEnany, so I thought I would begin this story by describing my impression of her in one word: Authentic, Personable, Sacrificial, Fearless, Patriotic, Conservative, Christian. Well, that adds up to seven one-word descriptions. But then I could add: Working-mom, Brave, and Articulate, and no, she is not the One that walked on water, but she often speaks of her personal relationship with the Creator. And I thought I would add that she was born and raised in the Free State of Florida.  

Who is Kayleigh McEnany? She was the former White House Press Secretary and the national spokesperson for the Republican National Committee (RNC). She now Co-hosts Outnumbered on the Fox News Channel. Before joining the RNC, she worked as the lone conservative political commentator at CNN and as a producer for the Mike Huckabee Show. She has also authored several outstanding books.

As I read her book, I was overwhelmed to learn about the many sacrifices her family experienced for the American people. Some may recall that her tenure at the White House commenced during the earliest days of the COVID-19 lockdowns. The CDC guidelines curtailed (or discouraged) travel, forcing some difficult choices. It was also during the death of George Floyd. Unfortunately, some people used this tragedy to threaten Kayleigh and her family.

Kayleigh tells of balancing her concern for her family with her job's demands. She strove to be much more than a press secretary. Kayleigh wanted to be a voice for those who do not "qualify" for national attention and are often ignored and certainly overlooked. She strove for substance over sensationalism.

Her motto in the press secretary’s office was "Offense!" intending to challenge the media, never allowing others to drive the narrative. She insisted on holding the press accountable. I will hone in on her beginnings at the White House because there is not enough ink and paper to cover the highlights of her life.

When President Trump called to ask if Kayleigh was interested in becoming Press Secretary, she was in the backseat of her car with her baby girl while her mother was behind the wheel. The phone rang with the White House switchboard on the line. "Would you take a call from the President?" A quick answer of "yes" followed an even faster prayer. The President asked if she would consider becoming the White House press secretary. Without hesitation, she responded, "Mr. President, that would be the honor of my lifetime." Thus, Kayleigh's story took another turn.

She was understandably nervous about taking on this enormous task, especially in the middle of a novel pathogen just entering the country. However, she also realized the honor it would be to communicate clearly to the American people. She began reading everything, calling everyone for advice, but her dad sent her the best advice. "Kayleigh, maybe you were made for such a time as this," a direct reference to the book of Esther. She knew God wanted her to hear this and believes He wants us all to understand that we are on this earth for a specific purpose and reason.

Her first day at work was April 13, 2020. It had been 400 days since a press secretary, Sarah Sanders Huckabee, had gone to the podium. Her first press briefing was less than three weeks later. On that day, she tweeted out Philippians 4:13 about being able to do all things which strengthen us through Christ. She had prepared herself academically. Still, the spiritual preparation gave her peace—listening to sermons on faith over fear, Christian music, and prayer.

As she sat in the Press Secretary's office wondering how the first day would go, the Chief of Staff's office called and told her to go to the Oval Office because the President was preparing to do a Coronavirus task force briefing. She was asked for input and then watched as the President used some of her feedback during the briefing.

That week, she fielded texts from Christians who said they were praying for her. One text was from Sarah Sanders Huckabee with advice: "Pray and let God carry you through the tough times and give you strength when you don't have the wisdom."

Sarah then sent Kayleigh the day's devotional from when Sarah was Press Secretary - "You are on the path of My choosing. There is no randomness about your life … As you give yourself more and more to a life of constant communion with Me, you will find that you simply have no time to worry." Never a more true statement! Her assistant entered her office and got her parents on speakerphone to pray together. As she walked through the President's private dining room, the Vice President motioned with praying hands that he would continue praying for her.

Finally, she slipped into the private West Wing bathroom, got on her knees, and prayed yet again. She retells the story of going to the podium, and everything changed. Her fears and worries vanished and turned to complete serenity. That divine intervention made her feel like she had been at that podium her whole life. She pointed out that the peace came from the millions of Christians who prayed for the administration. She mentioned being a personal testament to the fact that those prayers made a difference. Her speech contained so much more thought-provoking, uplifting, and inspirational material.

Her family almost moved to this area but settled in the Tampa Bay area. She agrees with many of us that Northwest Florida has the best beaches and promises to vacation here during the offseason. Another example of the Emerald Coast drawing the best and the brightest. I look forward to tuning in for the next chapter of the Kayleigh McEnany Woman of Faith saga. 

Read Newspaper, page 1-2 

Monday, April 15, 2024

Was King James a Homosexual?

King James (1566-1625)

(Copies from chapter 24 of One Book One Authority, by Dr. Douglas D. Stauffer (pages 359-374)


The proclamation for King James I reads: “by the grace of God King of England, France and Ireland, defender of the faith and of the Church of England and also of Ireland in earth the supreme head…” So, who is this man with such a lofty title?

Most people know very little about the man, King James I of England. However, it seems the innuendo and slander, like most negativity, have received far more attention than the truth. The slanderous remarks directed toward his life and character find their origin with his enemies and, more recently, amongst the haters of the King James Bible and Christianity. King James was a Christian king who was also a very intelligent and godly man. [1] In fact, Sir Francis Bacon referred to him as the Solomon of Great Britain in his Epistle Dedicatory of The Great Instauration:

This regeneration and instauration of the sciences is with justice due to the age of [King James I] surpassing all others in wisdom and learning. There remains for me to but to make one request, worthy of your majesty, and very especially relating to my subject, namely, that, resembling Solomon as you do in most respects, in the gravity of your decisions, the peacefulness of your reign, the expansion of your heart, and, lastly, in the noble variety of books you have composed… [2]

This one dedicatory to King James I contradicts the impression of this man forced upon an unsuspecting world. His writings and the writings written about him paint two opposing pictures. Since space will not allow a complete treatise of the man, a major compilation of his writings is available by searching online “The Workes of the Most High and Mightie Prince.” However, a brief synopsis of his life follows for those interested in knowing the truth about King James I.

A Debt of Gratitude

The free world, and especially Americans, are oblivious to the debt of gratitude owed to King James I. Ignorance of history ensures that the lessons and mistakes of the past must be ever repeated in subsequent generations. The hopelessness of the situation is worsened by the fact that history books long ago ceased recording pertinent history and now spend an inordinate amount of time and space covering irrelevant subjects (like Marylyn Monroe, Michael Jackson, Elvis Presley, etc.). The history of King James I is a case in point. Under his reign, the world was coming out of Rome's dark ages. Great Britain [3] became united together under a free and Protestant government; the Bible was published throughout the kingdom; and the North American continent was successfully colonized. Considering only these major events proves this man’s impact was significant.

His Early Life

James Charles Stuart was born in Edinburg Castle in Scotland on June 19, 1566. He was the only son of Mary, Queen of Scots, and her second husband, Henry Stuart, Lord Darnley. Both Mary and Darnley were staunch Roman Catholics. For this reason, James was baptized “Charles James” in a Catholic ceremony. On February 15, 1567, his father, the king, was mysteriously murdered by an explosion, with the Queen being suspected. Three months following the king’s murder, Queen Mary married James Hepburn, also suspected of involvement in the murder of Darnley. The Queen was soon forced to abdicate her throne.

Prince James, as her only male heir, was crowned King James VI of Scotland at thirteen months. John Knox preached his coronation ceremony.

King James VI grew up in Stirling Castle in the care of several evangelical Protestant tutors (preceptors or regents), including the Earl and Countess of Mar. Under the tutelage of four different regents, he studied and worked diligently. It was Greek before breakfast, then Latin and history, arithmetic, composition, cosmography, dialectics, geography, history, rhetoric, and theology. He had a great fondness for books. Even as a teenager, he was recognized as a serious scholar, retaining a lifelong passion for literature and learning.

The Divine Right of Kings

One of his tutors was a classical scholar and reformer named George Buchanan. He subjected James to regular beatings, attempting to instill a discipline in him so lacking in royalty, generally spoiled with a life of ease and leisure. At times, James remained firm in his convictions, especially concerning the source of the king’s authority. Contrary to scripture, Buchanan taught that the king’s authority derived from the king’s subjects. King James rejected this position, believing that scripture taught “the Divine Right of Kings.” [4] He believed kings answered to God and not to men, even a pope. King James stated that he was to live by example for his subjects: “…if he joins not therewith his virtuous life in his own person and in the person of his court and company by his good example alluring his subjects to the love of virtue and hatred of vice ...” King James expounded this divine right of a king in a speech to Parliament in 1609:

I conclude then this point touching the power of kings, with this axiom of divinity, that as to dispute what God may do, is blasphemy ...so is it sedition in subjects, to dispute what a king may do in the height of his power: But just kings will ever be willing to declare what they will do, if they will not incur the curse of God. I will not be content that my power be disputed upon: but I shall ever be willing to make the reason appear of all my doings, and rule my actions according to my laws ... Therefore all kings that are not tyrants, or perjured, will be glad to bound themselves within the limits of their laws; and they that persuade them the contrary, are vipers, and pests, both against them and the Commonwealth. [5].

King James I believed that the king was also subject to his own established laws. By the time James reached age 12, his formal education was completed. Because of his strict tutors, he had learned to speak fluently in several different languages, including Greek, English, French, Latin, and Scots, and was schooled in Italian and Spanish. Because of his intense studies and linguistic abilities, he could speak to foreign diplomats without the use of a translator.

James officially assumed the rule of Scotland from his regents the same year, though he did not gain full control of his government until 1583 (age 17). He also maintained peace with Queen Elizabeth I of England. One such historical event was his offering support against the Spanish Armada in 1588. The following year, James was betrothed to Princess Anne of Denmark. Shortly after a proxy marriage in Copenhagen in August 1589, Anne sailed for Scotland. The storms at sea nearly killed her, forcing a landing in Norway. James valiantly took 300 men to Norway to rescue his bride and make their marriage official.

Rumors and Innuendos

Roman Catholic Nicolo Molin, an Ambassador, said this of King James I: “...He is a Protestant...The king tries to extend his Protestant religion to the whole island. The King is a bitter enemy of our religion (Roman Catholic)...He frequently speaks of it in terms of contempt. He is all the harsher because of this last conspiracy (The Gun Powder Plot) against his life...He understood that the Jesuits had a hand in it.”

There are many rumors and innuendos concerning the morals of King James VI, but his writings reflect a true man of character. [6] He was a respected scholar and influential author. In 1598, James wrote a private letter to his firstborn son, Prince Henry. This letter included fatherly advice and instructions to his son concerning manners, morals, and the ways of kingship. King James did not intend to publish the testament and bound his printer to secrecy after ordering only seven copies for his private use. [7] Word traveled fast despite the attempts at secrecy, and so did forgeries. In order to stem the tide of the forgeries, James allowed the “Basilikon Doron” [8] (the “kingly gift”) to be printed as a book.  It became an international bestseller, being translated into several languages for a period of fifty years. [9]

King James wrote this to his son in Basilikon Doron: “I am no papist as I said before...Now faith...is the free gift of God (as Paul sayeth). It must be nourished by prayer, which is nothing else but a friendly talking to God. Use oft to pray when ye are quiet, especially in your bed...” He led a chaste life. Sir Henry Wotton (June 1602) said this of King James: “There appears a certain natural goodness verging on modesty...He wears short hair...among his good qualities none shines more brightly than the chasteness of his life, which he has preserved without stain down to the present time. Contrary to the example of almost all his ancestors, who disturbed the kingdom with the great number of bastards which they left.”

Thousands of examples proving the godly character of King James I could be provided. Consider these few excerpts from James’ own pen to his son:

·        “But the principal blessing [is] in your marrying of a godly and virtuous wife . . . being flesh of your flesh and bone of your bone. . . . Marriage is the greatest earthly felicity. . . . Without the blessing of God you cannot look for a happy marriage.”

·        “Keep your body clean and unpolluted while you give it to your wife whom to only it belongs for how can you justly crave to be joined with a Virgin if your body be polluted” (44)?

·        “Marriage is one of the greatest actions that a man does all his time. . . . When you are married, keep inviolably your promise made to God in your marriage” (45).

·        “But especially eschew to be effeminate in your clothes, in perfuming…” (46).

·        “Therefore first of all things, learn to know and love that God whom to ye have a double obligation” (47).

·        “The whole scripture is dictated by God's spirit…” (47).

·        “As ye are a good Christian, so ye may be a good king . . . establishing good laws among your people: the other, by your behavior in your own person with your servants” (48).

·        “There are some horrible crimes that ye are bound in conscience never to forgive: such as witchcraft, willful murder, incest, and sodomy” (48, emphasis mine).

·        “Abstain from the filthy vice of adultery; remember only what solemn promise ye made to God at your marriage” (54).

·        “Holiness being the first and most requisite quality of a Christian (as proceeding from true fear and knowledge of God)” (55).

 King of England

On March 24, 1603, Queen Elizabeth of England died. That same day, her cousin, King James VI of Scotland, was proclaimed king of England. James sailed to London at a time when an outbreak of the plague was killing one out of every ten of its citizenry. No matter what, cheering crowds gathered to greet and see their new monarch. On July 25, 1603, at the age of 36, King James VI of Scotland was crowned King of England at Westminster Abbey. This effectively united the crown, and he became King James VI of Scotland and King James I of England. King James called his kingdom “Great Britain” and ruled from London. He also instituted a new flag by combining elements from the flags of England and Scotland.       

January 14-18, 1604, King James held the Hampton Court Conference to set the church in order. The Church of England was divided into three primary factions who were at considerable odds with each other. The Anglo-Catholic faction wanted to keep all the trappings and much of the doctrine of Roman Catholicism without submitting to the authority of the pope. The Protestant faction wanted the Church of England to be the State Protestant Church, similar to the Lutherans in Germany and the Reformed Church in Switzerland. The Puritans were the most thoroughly evangelical and biblically oriented wanting a complete break with Roman Catholicism and greater local church independence. Here, the new king gave a special commandment to make a new English Bible translation.

Fifty-four of the world's most learned linguists and scholars were chosen to produce this new translation. The six groups were split: two at Cambridge, two at Oxford, and two at Westminster. Unlike the devious work of Westcott and Hort, none of this work took place in secret. Even the drafts were readily circulated, and the public was free to make suggestions. In 1611, following seven years of translation, the completed work was presented to King James.

The authorized King James Bible has been called “the masterpiece of the English language.” It is the most published book in the world's history. Not all were pleased with this crowning achievement. Rome declared James a heretic King whose assassination would be commendable. During his reign, King James was kidnapped several times and survived at least four assassination attempts. One such attempt was called the Gunpowder Plot.

During the Parliament’s state opening, Catholic conspirators plotted to blow up the king and the entire Protestant Parliament. Thirteen men secretly smuggled 6,000 pounds of gunpowder into the basement under Parliament. Their plan was simple. Once they had murdered every ranking government official, they planned to install a Catholic-friendly queen. On November 5, only hours before the opening of Parliament, a search discovered one of the perpetrators lurking under the Parliament building. Guy Fawkes was guarding the gunpowder and waiting secretly with the fuse and matches.

Each of the perpetrators was found guilty of high treason and sentenced to execution. One of the men involved in the plot was the Attorney General, Sir Edward Coke. He confessed that they were attempting to restore “the Catholic religion in England.” This event on the 5th of November is commemorated every year by the burning of an effigy of Guy Fawkes.

Other Noteworthy Accomplishments

Under the reign of King James, successful English colonization of North America began. In December 1606, 104 colonists set sail for Virginia with the king’s blessing. On May 14, 1607, they founded the first permanent American colony and named it Jamestown after their king. The settlement survived after many hardships and deaths. The colony was preserved under the leadership of Captain John Smith with help from the Powhatan Indian tribes.

In 1612, King James I is credited with ending torture as a part of the English legal system. He also replaced burning at the stake as a means of execution and stopped the execution of “religious nonconformists.” He wrote: “I will never allow in my conscience that the blood of any man shall be shed for diversity of opinions in religion.”

 In 1617, King James I met Pocahontas, the daughter of the Indian chief as she visited England. In 1620, the pilgrims would land at Plymouth, Massachusetts.

Death of the Heir to the Throne

In 1612, James's eldest son, Henry, died at age 18. His wife, Queen Anne, subsequently died in 1619. James often suffered great pain from various ailments, including gout, colic, and arthritis. On March 27, 1625, King James died at the age of 58. He was buried at Westminster Abbey. On February 2, 1626, Charles Stewart was crowned King Charles I of England.

Was King James a Homosexual?

Despite the lack of evidence and in spite of contrary evidence, some Bible critics and unscrupulous people are quick to use this baseless accusation against King James I, thinking that this somehow strengthens their attacks against the King James Bible. There is NO historical fact to lead one to believe that King James was a sodomite. There is no record of anyone alluding to any type of sexual deviance during his lifetime. There is no record of anyone witnessing James in a situation or relationship involving any type of inordinate affection toward another person. In fact, the accusations against him have no credibility, are based on bias and not fact, and stem from the attacks and innuendos of one man.

Sir Anthony Welden was an officer in the royal household of King James I. He was knighted by King James I in 1617 but subsequently dismissed from the royal court by the king for supporting the anti-monarchy forces during the English Civil War. He had also written racist writings about the king’s native Scotland. An example of his racism against the Scots is evident in his work, A Perfect Description of the People and Country of Scotland. In this writing, he calls the Scots a “stinking people” who hold “fornication…but a pastime.” His mockery of the Scots was unlimited and culminated in sheer abuse:

Pride is a thing bred in their bones, and their flesh naturally abhors cleanness; their breath commonly stinks of Pottage, their linen of Piss, their hands of Pigs turds, their body of sweat, and their splay-feet never offend in Socks. To be chained in marriage with one of them, were to be tied to a dead carcass, and cast into a stinking ditch....I do wonder that...King James should be born in so stinking a town as Edinburgh in lousy Scotland. [10].

This is the same man attributed with furnishing all future generations with the historical facts of King James I? After Weldon’s dismissal, he swore that he would have his day of vengeance. Future historians (and those wanting to smear an innocent man) are the pawns of his vengeance upon the life and character of King James I. Weldon not only hated James, but he also hated the entire Scottish race. Historian Maurice Lee, Jr., warned, “Historians can and should ignore the venomous caricature of the king's person and behavior drawn by Anthony Weldon" [11]. Modern Bible critics unscrupulously and unashamedly repeat these libelous remarks without as much as a blush. Modern version readers are swayed into believing the lies because of the constant barrage against the King James Bible.

Sir Anthony Weldon

King James’ son, Charles I, was executed twenty-four years after his father's death, King James I. The following year (1650), Welden’s FIRST accusations concerning homosexuality against King James I surfaced. His statements were generally rejected because many of the king’s contemporaries were still living. However, the enemies of King James I were overjoyed to repeat the innuendos and accusations.

Because King James I was a Scotsman ruling over the English, he endured the racism and slander associated with being an outsider ruling over the English people. This was especially true since he elevated some of his countrymen to be his councilors, replacing the once-powerful English Lords. Disgruntled courtiers and political opponents picked up the allegations against King James I by Anthony Weldon (and Francis Osborne) and began to repeat these innuendos to discredit his reputation.

While not accusing him directly of homosexuality, they tried to create questions about his relationships with his close friends and associates. These seventeenth-century critics seem to fall into two groups. One group consisted of those men whose political and personal ambitions were blocked by the king. The second group consisted of those who opposed his policy of merging Scotland and England into one United Kingdom. It is important to recognize that these allegations against King James I were made long after his death, supported only by those with a strong bias against him.

Unfortunately, without checking the accuracy of the information, some historians began to repeat these attacks against King James I. It was nearly impossible to pull in the reigns once the vicious cycle began. Like all faulty journalism, future historians simply repeated the unsubstantiated information of previous historians without further examination. This cycle proves the oft repeated saying: “If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it...and truth is the mortal enemy of the lie.” [12]. Like all historical revisionism, the vague allegations, rumors, innuendos, and speculation began to be repeated as though this was the historical reality. Fortunately, other historians sifted through the rumors to obtain the facts, and here are some of the facts of the matter.

Sham Marriage, Really?

King James I married Anne of Denmark in 1589 and remained married to her until she died in 1619. The modern Bible critics say that this means nothing since homosexual rulers have often maintained wives for public appearance's sake. This is a convenient spin to prop up this historical revisionism, but the facts prove that King James I was much more than a pseudo-husband.

Unlike many monarchs, King James I spent a great deal of time with his wife. He was openly affectionate toward her in public. He even wrote and dedicated many love poems and sonnets to her. Not to mention that after her death, he greatly mourned her. Then, consider the fact that James and Anne had nine children together. [13] Historical proof abounds concerning his devotion and loving commitment to his wife.

When the unmarried Puritan preacher, John Rainolds, objected to the phrase: “With my body I thee worship” in the Book of Common Prayer’s marriage service, King James I openly teased the unmarried academic. He said to Rainolds: “Many a man speaks of Robin Hood, who never shot in his bow; if you had a good wife yourself, you would think that all the honour and worship you could do her, were well bestowed." [14]. He also referred to Queen Anne as “his dearest bedfellows." [15].

In 1603, James wrote the following to Anne:

...I thank God I carry that love and respect unto you which, by the law of God and nature, I ought to do to my wife and mother of my children. . . not for that ye are a king’s daughter, for, whether ye were a king's or cook's daughter, ye must be all alike to me being one my wife….The love and respect I now bear you is for that ye are my married wife and so partaker of my honour, as of all my other fortunes. [16].

King James I wrote extensively including truths somewhat unique for most royal monarchs. It was common for kings to have a number of mistresses. King James I wrote otherwise. He taught that the king should be moral, faithful to his wife, and set a moral example for his people. In France, the king's mistress was considered an official royal court member. In fact, the lack of mistresses in James’ court is often used as proof that he was a homosexual. However, lacking mistresses is also a sign of a godly man leading a clean, moral life.

King James I wrote to his son about marriage in Basilikon Doron (updated to modern spelling):

Remember also that Marriage is one of the greatest actions that a man doeth in all his time...

When ye are Married, keep inviolably your promise made to God in your Marriage; which standeth all in doing of one thing, and abstaining from another: to treat her in all things as your wife, and the half of yourself; and to make your body (which then is no more yours but properly hers) common with none other. I trust I need not to insist here to dissuade you from filthy vice of adultery: remember only what solemn promise ye make to God at your marriage…

And for your behavior to your Wife, the Scripture can best give you counsel therein: Treat her as your own flesh, command her as her Lord, cherish her as your helper, rule her as your pupil, and please her in all things reasonable; but teach her not to be curious in things that belong her not: Ye are the head, she is your body; It is your office to command, and hers to obey; but yet with such a sweet harmony, as she should be as ready to obey, as ye to command; as willing to follow, as ye to go before; your love being wholly knit unto her, and all her affections lovingly bent to follow your will. [17].

James repeatedly taught the importance of morality and marriage. James wrote again in Basilikon Doron:

But the principal blessing that you can get of good company, will stand in your marrying of a godly and virtuous wife: for she must be nearer unto you, than any other company, being Flesh of your flesh, and bone of your bone. . .

First of all consider, that Marriage is the greatest earthly felicity or misery, that can come to a man, according as it pleaseth God to bless or curse the same. Since then without the blessing of GOD, ye cannot look for a happy success in Marriage…

…keep your body clean and unpolluted, till ye give it to your wife, whom-to only it belongeth. For how can ye justly crave to be joined with a pure virgin, if your body be polluted? Why should the one half be clean, and other defiled? And although I know, fornication is thought but a light and venial sin, by the most part of the world, yet remember well what I said to you in my first Book concerning conscience; and count every sin and breach of God's law, not according as the vain world esteemeth of it, but as God the judge and maker of the law accounteth of the same. Hear God commanding by the mouth of Paul to abstain from fornication, declaring that the fornicator shall not inherit the kingdom of heaven: and by the mouth of John, reckoning out fornication among other grievous sins, that declares the commiters amongst dogs and swine... [18].

Many of King James I's contemporaries wrote attesting to the morality and chaste living about which the king wrote. James pointed out how many innocent lives could have been saved if kings had been moral people. King James I wrote concerned the many civil wars started by the illegitimate sons of kings.

A Short Biographical Sketch


James Charles Stuart was born to Lord Darnley and Mary Queen of Scots at Edinburgh Castle in Scotland.


James' father was killed. Mary Queen of Scots is forced to abdicate the Scottish throne due to her suspected involvement in the murder. Young James is crowned King James VI of Scotland at 13 months old. John Knox preaches the sermon at his coronation.


After 19 years of imprisonment in England, Mary Queen of Scots is executed for her part in a Roman Catholic conspiracy to assassinate her cousin, Queen Elizabeth I, in order to gain control of the English throne.


James marries Anne of Denmark—first by proxy and then in person. The couple will eventually give birth to nine children, most of whom will die in early childhood.


Upon the death of Elizabeth I, James ascends to the English throne. He is now King James VI of Scotland and King James I of England. He calls his new kingdom, “Great Britain.”


James holds the Hampton Court Conference in order to hear of, “things pretended to be amiss in the church.” During this conference, King James agrees that a new translation of the scriptures is necessary. He appoints 54 men to the translation work. The translators divide into six groups meeting at Cambridge, Oxford and Westminster.


Discovery of the Gunpowder Plot, a Roman Catholic conspiracy to blow up King James and Parliament. Guido (Guy) Fawkes, Jesuits Garnet and Owldcorne, and other conspirators are tried and executed.


In response to Roman Catholic resuscitation, Parliament issues legislation that includes an Oath of Allegiance. Controversy over the Oath rages across Europe.


Colonists sent by the Virginia Company arrive in Jamestown, Virginia. Jamestown (named after King James I) will go on to become the first permanent English settlement on the American mainland—thereby making King James VI & I the founding monarch of the United States.


The Authorized Version of the scriptures (the King James Bible) is published.


Prince Henry, James’ eldest son and heir apparent, dies at 18 years of age. King James has the body of Mary Queen of Scots interred in Westminster Abbey in London.


“The Workes,” a collection of the king's writings, is published.


King James issues The Kings Majesties Declaration to His Subjects Concerning Lawful Sports to be Used in response to the Puritan practice of barring their fellow citizens from lawful recreations on Sundays.


King James’ wife, Queen Anne, dies.


Two meditations are appended to “The Workes”—A Meditation Upon the Lord’s Prayer; and, A Meditation Upon the 27, 28, 29 verses of the XXVII Chapter of Saint Matthew Or a Pattern for a King’s Inauguration.




King James VI & I dies and his adult son accedes to the throne as Charles I.


King Charles I executed by order of Puritan Oliver Cromwell and other insurgents after their takeover of the British government.



[1] The writings of King James often refer to various aspects of salvation, including regeneration of the believer, salvation by faith, and salvation as a free gift. In fact, he makes reference to one day receiving “white garments washed in the blood of the lamb.” Historian Robert Chambers’ description of King James biblical knowledge reflects the thoughts of a saved man: “He was deeply read in Scripture; he could quote its texts with great facility; knew it even with philological exactness.” James wrote to a friend and said, “Praying God that as you are regenerated and born in him anew, so you may rise to him and be sanctified in him forever.” James wrote “Holiness being the first and most requisite quality of a Christian (as proceeding from true fear and knowledge of God).”

[2] http://history.hanover.edu/texts/Bacon/gi.html#epded

[3] Great Britain consists of England, Scotland and Wales. The United Kingdom formed in 1801 incorporated the whole of Ireland. In 1921, it became known as “The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland” with the establishment of the Irish Free State in Southern Ireland. In 1949, the Irish Free State cut ties with Britain and became the Republic of Ireland.

[4]“The king's heart is in the hand of the LORD, as the rivers of water: he turneth it whithersoever he will. (Proverbs 21:1).

[5] Extracts from a speech to Parliament, March 21, 1609.

[6] King James wrote more books than any royal monarch of any nation. He wrote books and pamphlets on a wide variety of subjects including theology, tobacco, witchcraft and the theory and practice of kingship. He was also an accomplished poet. He did his own private interpretations of Psalms and wrote a book on Revelation, along with a series of devotionals on the Lord’s Prayer.

[7] Only two of the seven copies are known to survive, one in the National Library of Scotland and the other in the Grenville collection in the British Museum.

[[8] Also referred to as “Basilicon Doron”

[9] These included French, Latin, Welsh or Dutch, Swedish and German.

[10] Rackwitz, Martin, Travels to Terra Incognita (Munster, Germany: 2007), p. 116.

[11] Lee, Maurice, Great Britain's Solomon: James VI & I in His Three Kingdoms, (IL: University of Illinois Press, 1990), p. 309-310.

[12] This quote is a case in point. It is misattributed to Joseph Goebbels yet there is no historical proof that he said it…only that he practiced it.

[13] Queen Anne birthed seven live children, two still births and at least three miscarriages.

[14] Stewart, Alan, The Cradle King: A Life of James VI & I. (London: Chatto and Windus Stewart, 2003), p. 197.

[15] London Society, An Illustrated Magazine of Light and Amusing Literature for the Hours of Relaxation, vol. VI (London: William Clowes and Sons, 1864), p. 170.

[16] Daybell, James, Women and Politics in Early Modern England, 1450-1700, (Burlington, VT: Ashgate Publishing, 2004), p. 186.

[17] James I, King, Basilicon Doron, Of a King’s Duty in His Office (The Second Book), p. 97-101. http://www.reproachofmen.org/bible-versions/basilicon-doron/of-a-kings-duty-in-his-office/
Note: The original work can be accessed at www.perseus.tufts.edu (James I, The Political Works of James I, Charles Howard McIlwain, Ed.).

[18] David Wilson, King James VI & I (New York: Oxford University Press, 1956), Ibid., p. 89-91.