The current debate in the NFL highlights the revisionist
rhetoric from the left and puts their hypocrisy on full display. Colin
Kaepernick started the NFL Take-a-Knee protests by purposefully disrespecting
those who carry a badge (that’s him wearing the POLICE ARE PIGS socks). In Kaepernick’s
own words, he said he was “not going to
stand up to show pride in a flag…” His freedom-of-expression protest was directed against the flag and against the
United States of America. Fortunately for all of us, no one gets to decide what
the flag of the United States or our National Anthem represent. Those claiming that their first amendment
rights allow them to redefine the purposes for the flag and the anthem are the
same ones that do not offer the same latitude to a southerner concerning his
Confederate flag.
The protesters: whether kneeling, sitting, or squatting, were all
started by a man who wore PIG POLICE SOCKS. This expression clearly reflects this
man’s utter disdain for the police. His
own words reveal why he knelt at the playing of the national anthem. Yet, these facts are being rewritten or
ignored by the pundits who want to spin this story into something that it is
not. These protests are about disrespecting
the flag! Fortunately, the internet and social media platforms mean that the
pundits can no longer dominate the dialog, control the discourse and freely force
their spin upon all others.
In addition, those standing up for those taking a knee seem
to think that the kneelers are the only ones with a FIRST AMENDMENT right to
voice their concerns. When “the other side” voices our concerns contrary to the
PC police; our voices are quickly pronounced as anti-first amendment. Unfortunately, this is true of every important
issue facing true Americans. If you are on the wrong side of political
correctness, then your voice does not deserve the same right to be heard.
For instance, the confederate flag represents one thing to the
left and one thing only and that is racism. All of America must accept this
stigmatism placed upon that flag (and any confederate statues) because the PC
police have determined that that’s what the flag and the statues represent for
all of America. In the case of the American flag, patriotic Americans are told to
hush because now the American flag represents black oppression. The left want to
silence us when we claim that the flag and the anthem represent patriotism and respect
for those who served and sacrificed for this country. These NFL protests started out as a way of
disrespecting those who carry a badge, yet these same protestors cannot be disassociated
with the disrespect that has been shown toward those who serve in the military.
The bottom line is that racism in all of its ugly forms does
not justify disrespecting those who proudly wear a uniform to fight, defend,
and protect the rights of overpaid sports celebrities to squat on Sundays. Since
the media, sports personalities and Hollywood are influenced most by leftist
liberals with the loudest voices they simply want to squash all dissenting
voices. We will not be silenced so long as we continue to breathe!
These same pundits tell us that those in the south who are
proud of their heritage and cherish their rebel flag do so simply because they
are racists. Yet, I know for a fact that
many southerners believe that that flag of the south represents much more,
things like States’ Rights against any type of a tyrannical federal government.
Yet, these thoughts are unacceptable to the PC police because they fall outside
of the talking points and their agendas.

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